In Summer of 2006 we had a visit from JoJoPah Maria Nsoroma, a Shaman and wisdom-keeper of ancient healing knowledge from West Africa, with Cherokee lineage. We had done ceremony with her at two Reiki Retreats and she wanted to see our land. JoJoPah asked permission to walk the land with our dog Kalu. They walked the forest and the creek, and spent most of the afternoon just slowly checking things out.  At dinner that night, JoJoPah said we needed to consider doing “ceremony on the land” to activate the spirits of the elements. They would help us keep the land and use the resources wisely.

In Winter of 2008, JoJoPah called and said,“Now is the time.”  We were instructed to contact people we knew who truly resonated with the land and all of the things we do here. We needed like-minded folks to contribute to The Ritual.

We started work on this project immediately.  JoJoPah needed to cover her traveling expenses and make some money to live on while on the road.  She had just rented her first permanent home in almost 10 years of being a gypsy.  We had never asked for any monies in all the years of doing events and ceremonies.  This was not easy for me, but I trusted and sure enough folks were not put off by the nominal fee.  We asked for a $25 deposit on the $75 fee required for the day.

We believed we would get the right people and that we did. Loki, Bear and friends went about cleaning and clearing all the possible places that we would use during the day of the event which was set for July 16, 2008. Summer in Maryland is always hot, and July is usually the hottest with high humidity. Since we don’t have air-conditioning , the heat concerned me greatly.

JoJoPah came in early to get a feel for the lay of the land. We treated her like a princess. She had the royal treatment from Loki and Smiling Bear as well as from new faces and friends. We honored her and the work she promised to do for all of us who were going to participate.

After the many weeks of hard, strenuous work the land was ready. JoJoPah coached Loki and Smiling Bear that this would be a life-altering experience and that it would change the direction of how things went on the land. She said that the Ancestors would help us make enough money to keep the place and do good for others. Again, we trusted and believed. And we love to share!

The night before the event the Ancestors literally kicked Loki in the ass. She was physically exhausted yet sleep did not come. Her stomach ached from nervousness about being fully prepared and ready for the changes. Photos of Loki taken that morning attest to how stressed she actually was. And then within an hour of actually being in ceremony and doing the work, all signs of fatigue and nervousness disappeared so that she felt comfortable in her role of assisting the visiting Shaman.

We set up camp in the new area now called the Secret Garden. The people did come fully prepared to take care of themselves in the heat. Everyone showed up except for Lesley who is now living in Tallahassee, Florida. We gifted her money to the funds for JoJoPah. We were instructed about the significance of the Great Tree on the land and how the day was to progress. It was then that the breeze picked up and we were fanned by Mother Nature. The Secret Garden is in an area shaded by magnificent tall, drooping bamboo. JoJoPah and Loki sat up front and the audience was in an amphitheater style seating.

Everyone was focused and ready to do the work. Questions were answered and folks began to relax into the day. We shared a wonderful luncheon in the picnic area back by the tipi. As fate would have it, the tipi had been mysteriously torn and we had taken the canvas down. The new canvas had just arrived, however, we were out of time. So, for the first time ever, the lodge pole pines just stood there naked. No one seemed to notice; so much else was happening.

We were instructed by JoJoPah to bring photos of our own ancestors, red candles, and all sorts of things for the Tingan Tree ceremony later in the day. Everyone was so prepared and excited. No one complained of the heat. We were on a mission. We were set off to gather nature from the land and make bundles for an offering at the Fire Ceremony. We were to let go of what no longer served us, and to get ready to receive what we need to continue on our spiritual paths. We had 4 men in the group which helped keep the energy focused. JoJoPah helped a few of the ladies when emotional issues came up.

The time had come for the big event. A Tingan tree was to be dedicated with purpose. The great old tree, a boxelder maple, had been a major landmark in the community. At its zenith, it was a champion tree in Howard County. Over recent years, however, it had begun to decay. Then, the night after Loki had spread the ashes of our friend and teacher Dawson Hayward at the base of the magical tree, it literally imploded and blew apart. Call it coincidence or a sign, but that’s what happened.

We were instructed to begin putting yellow ribbons on the tree wherever we felt like hanging them. All 20 of us immediately started “decorating”. It was amazing how beautiful it was turning out. Everyone brought yellow or orange fruits and vegetables for the base of the tree. Lynda Walton, a Master Gardener who volunteered to be keeper of the space at the tree, had worked many hours getting the tree and the space ready for ceremony. Nuts, fruits, coins and vegetables were placed at the base of the tree. We were told that this signifies abundance for the land, for us, and for the animals. Everyone eagerly spread their goodies and we stood back and smiled at one another for the good work we had done.

By now the heat was beginning to affect some of us. We filled a child’s plastic pool with cold well water and everyone stood with their feet in the water. We all felt an immediate reprieve from the heat. We sang and laughed. JoJoPah drummed and we chanted the song from Africa she taught us right here in little ole Clarksville, Howard County, Maryland.

We were promised a “gift” from the Ancestors for being part of the ceremony. No one knew what the gift would be but we waited and shared what we learned later. Every now and then Loki and Bear will notice new fruit, a wreath, or something else special like rose petals in winter, placed by someone who was at the Tingan Tree Ceremony. In this way the tree keeps on giving, and we keep on receiving.

This coming July we plan to have a “reunion” of friends who were at the Tingan Tree Ceremony. It will be interesting to see what gifts others have received since that day. Personally, Loki and Bear have learned to relax a bit about money and other material things, trusting that all will be provided. We have a renewed sense of appreciation for the great tree that we have been entrusted to maintain and share. Changing the name of the farm to Sanctuary was the first step in acknowledging our new direction.